Domain Name SCAM strikes again.

There has been a spate of domain name renewal "scams" recently, with companies demanding immediate payment for domain name renewals. Don't be caught out. Call us first!

Most of these "scams" seem to operate where they contact you (as the owner of the domain) anything from 3 to 9 months BEFORE your registration expires with the legitimate registrar, and generally stating that you must renew your registration IMMEDIATELY or else you will lose your domain.

If you get a registration renewal from ANYONE who is not us, or Melbourne-IT themselves (and not just saying that they are a Melbourne-IT partner or affiliate), DO NOT PAY IT. If you are in ANY DOUBT, please do yourself a favour and phone our office for advice.

The ACCC and department of fair trading have issued warnings about these scams, but we have found several dozen people in the local area who have already been tricked out of their money. If you are another victim, you can call us for some suggestions, or (if you paid by credit card) contact your bank and DISPUTE THE TRANSACTION.

(Published on 22-Aug-2001 16:02 by RossW, read 406 times)
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